Eden Pletner'18 is keeping things lively for seniors in her hometown of North Rustico, PEI during the pandemic, with her very own virtual coffee house, "Glowing Hearts." Click here to check out a feature article on Eden's initiative in The Guardian. Glowing Hearts is only two months old and all forms of support are greatly appreciated. If you would like to support Glowing Hearts, there are many ways to become involved.
Volunteers - They are looking for passionate volunteers to help their events run smoothly and to continue expanding their reach – especially in need of volunteers with IT or AV experience, but it is not a requirement. They are looking into the possibility of hiring paid employees for the off-season.
Performers - Glowing Hearts constantly needs performers for their events. Please reach out if you love performing and can spare an hour out of your week to play for local seniors. All levels
are welcome!
Sponsors - As they enter a period focused on sustainably delivering events, Glowing Hearts is
looking for sponsors to help support their growth. If your organization is interested, please reach out and they will send along their "sponsor information sheet" for your consideration. Sponsors are also encouraged to apply for a position on the Board of Directors!
If you are unable to volunteer or perform, please consider supporting Glowing Hearts by liking their pages on social media and helping them get the word out to others!
If you would like to become involved in any capacity, please contact Eden at
glowingheartscafe@gmail.com, or by phone at (514) 942-0843. To learn more about Glowing Hearts Coffee House, you can visit their website and find them on social media @GlowingHeartsCH.
Stay tuned for details on a future Glowing Hearts and Grammar collaboration!
Photo by The Guardian